世界防災フォーラム/防災ダボス会議 @仙台2019


Flash Talk Presentation

How to save people from
e arthquake s

2019年11月12日(火) 13:15 〜 13:30 Flash Talk Presentation 2 (Meeting Room 7)

Kazuo Sasaki

Challenge Co.,Ltd

13:15 〜 13:30

[MP3-10] How to save people from
e arthquake s

Kazuo Sasaki (Challenge Co.,Ltd)

Many countries are constructing nationwide observation networks replete with sensors, but these require much money and time to complete. It is therefore not easy to realize such observation networks. In order to save people from earthquakes by issuing alarms in advance, we propose an easier yet more effective system called Earthquake Guard III (hereafter EQG-III) which is an earthquake alarm system using embedded sensors. This system can be applied to realize a regional earthquake alarm network quickly at low cost. Additionally, the system can be used for evacuation drills, effective upon enhancing disaster management capability.
We have constructed earthquake sensor alarm systems overseas and conducted evacuation drills in several countries. We introduce the case of Romania.