World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Presentation information

Oral Sessions

Open Session

Disaster Risk Reduction and Women's Leadership

Sun. Nov 10, 2019 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Room 3 (Hagi)

Simultaneous Interpretation is available.(同時通訳有り)

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

[O1-10-01] Disaster Risk Reduction and Women's Leadership

Taga Enomoto1, *Asako Osaki2, *Naomi Sato3, *Naomi Yatsu4, *Yaeko Kisu5, *Midori Shigeno6, *Isao Yamauchi7 (1. Sendai Gender Equal Opportunity Foundation, Citizen Cooperation and City Planning Department, Community Affairs Bureau, 2. Kansei Gakuin University / NPO Gender Action Platform, 3. We Are One Kitakami, 4. Approved NPO After School Paruke , 5. NPO The National Council of Women's Centers, Sendai Gender Equal Opportunity Foundation , 6. Nishitaga-kita Neighborhood Association / Women Bosai Leaders Network, 7. Yama-no-dera United Neighborhood Association )

Keywords:Women, Leadership, Diversity, Great East Japan Earthquake , Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

Women play an important role in Disaster Risk Reduction. In order to build a disaster-resilient community, it is essential for women to participate in opportunities for making decisions in ordinary times. Based on the experiences from the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters, issues and future perspectives will be discussed, focusing on the diverse power of women who actively engage in Disaster Risk Reduction and recovery, as well as our nations' efforts towards promotion of women's leadership.