2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
[O1-14-01] Knitting Networks of Science-Policy-Actions for Accelerating Achievement of SFDRR Targets and Ensuring Coherence of Post-2015 Global Agreements
Keywords:coherence, SFDRR, networks, science-policy-actions, sustainable development goals
Sustainable development endeavor is at risk in the face of hazards and disasters perpetuated by climate change. Thus, countries continuously pledging and committing to various international and regional agreements/frameworks on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). However, despite efforts in science, technology, grass-roots initiatives, and actions, it seems risk governance of various levels have not been able to become an enabling factor for a genuine resilience building. Despite the current rate of ratification/adoption of various post-2015 international frameworks to country-level legislation and science/technology-driven risk assessments, the number of disasters, affected people, economic damage and losses continuously increased.
This session will deliberate and review comprehensively the political and public administration aspect of risk governance across geographical regions to expedite implementation of post-2015 global agreements, its monitoring, and outlook towards 2030. It investigates, stock takes, and confirm whether political architecture and processes in those regions and its member states enable DRR/CCA advancement to enrich and informed policy discourse and actions, or instead it becomes a hindrance. By leveraging on machine learning and various network analyses techniques (social, network, citation, and discourse networks), this session will discuss whether it is possible to predict subsequent dynamic and state of coherence/divergence between science-policy interactions of DRR/CCA across levels. It is deliberating whether a complementary function exists in the implementation of various international and regional agreements/frameworks through national policy and global/regional resource mobilizations.
At a practical level, this session is providing an independent review on the status of science adoption into SFDRR Target E report by Member States of United Nations as well as outlining opportunity and pathway for increasing Target F on international cooperation for achieving global DRR targets. The session will also release the concept of “vertical and horizontal coherence” of post-2015 global agreements for guiding and monitoring of global governance implementation in the period of 2020-2030 surrounding the implementation of SFDRR, Paris Agreement, New Urban Agenda, Agenda for Humanity, Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and Sustainable Development Goals.
This session will deliberate and review comprehensively the political and public administration aspect of risk governance across geographical regions to expedite implementation of post-2015 global agreements, its monitoring, and outlook towards 2030. It investigates, stock takes, and confirm whether political architecture and processes in those regions and its member states enable DRR/CCA advancement to enrich and informed policy discourse and actions, or instead it becomes a hindrance. By leveraging on machine learning and various network analyses techniques (social, network, citation, and discourse networks), this session will discuss whether it is possible to predict subsequent dynamic and state of coherence/divergence between science-policy interactions of DRR/CCA across levels. It is deliberating whether a complementary function exists in the implementation of various international and regional agreements/frameworks through national policy and global/regional resource mobilizations.
At a practical level, this session is providing an independent review on the status of science adoption into SFDRR Target E report by Member States of United Nations as well as outlining opportunity and pathway for increasing Target F on international cooperation for achieving global DRR targets. The session will also release the concept of “vertical and horizontal coherence” of post-2015 global agreements for guiding and monitoring of global governance implementation in the period of 2020-2030 surrounding the implementation of SFDRR, Paris Agreement, New Urban Agenda, Agenda for Humanity, Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and Sustainable Development Goals.