18:00 〜 19:30
[O1-16-01] Role of NPOs and volunteer organizations in disaster recovery: International and Japan cases
キーワード:Non-profit Organization, Recovery, Coordination
Local non-profit organizations and volunteer networks can play a critical role in preparing for and responding to disasters, often filling in gaps not provided for by the government or international responders. As they are usually closer to the communities being served, their efforts have often been found to be more flexible, relevant and efficient than other stakeholders. Leveraging these inputs and connecting them to other recovery efforts can contribute to a more coherent, sustainable and effective response. Yet experience has shown that if these efforts are not well-coordinated, or done with insufficient capacity, they run the risk of creating duplication, frustration and potentially doing more harm than good.
Using both international case studies - including from Australia, Haiti, and regional networks such as ADDRN – as well as those from inside Japan - including the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, Kumamoto earthquake of 2016, and West Japan floods of 2018 - this session will focus on 1) the contributions of NPOs and volunteer networks in disaster recovery, 2) challenges in coordination and capacity building and the implications of these, and 3) best practices with regards to their engagement and involvement in preparing for and responding to disasters.
Using both international case studies - including from Australia, Haiti, and regional networks such as ADDRN – as well as those from inside Japan - including the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, Kumamoto earthquake of 2016, and West Japan floods of 2018 - this session will focus on 1) the contributions of NPOs and volunteer networks in disaster recovery, 2) challenges in coordination and capacity building and the implications of these, and 3) best practices with regards to their engagement and involvement in preparing for and responding to disasters.