World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Presentation information

Oral Sessions


Accelerating formulationof local DRR plans towardthe next 10 years of theirimplementation - How toachieve Global Target (e)of the SendaiFramework?-

Sun. Nov 10, 2019 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Room 1 (Main Hall)

Japan International Cooperation Agency
Simultaneous Interpretation is available.(同時通訳有り)

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

[O1-3-01] Accelerating formulation of local DRR plans toward the next 10 years of their implementation - How to achieve Global Target (e) of the Sendai Framework?-

*Moderator Prof. Kimio Takeya1, *Four (4) Speakers2, Wataru Ono1 (1. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2. National and/or local authority related to DRR, Planning and Finance)

Keywords:Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Global Target (e), Local DRR plans, JICA, International cooperation

This session will provide an opportunity to discuss and identify practical solutions for achieving Global Target (e) of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, especially in developing local DRR strategies/plans, and accelerating their implementation. We are now facing two (2) key challenges of 1) how to develop and spread “practical” local DRR plans toward 2020 and 2) how to promote implementation based on plans by allocating appropriate resources including human, finance and techniques next 10 years. JICA has been continuously tackling these issues through leading discussions in international arenas and working with counterparts of developing countries. 8 STEPS –Practical Method for Developing Local DRR Strategies/Plans – is one of the remarkable outcomes, which is utilized in JICA’s knowledge co-creation programs and capacity development projects. The session will invite some practitioners from national and local governments of counterparts’ countries as panelist and discuss some key issues along with following questions.

1. What is the key component to be included in the local DRR plans for promoting pre-disaster investment?
2. What are the challenges for developing local DRR plans?
3. Do you have any good practices and lessons learned to develop local DRR plans?
4. What is a key factor to achieve actual implementation of local DRR plans?
5. How can we accelerate implementation of local DRR plans?