World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Presentation information

Oral Sessions


Media and Bosai: A Crucial Combinationfor Saving Lives

Sun. Nov 10, 2019 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Room 3 (Hagi)

NHK World-Japan

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

[O1-9-01] Media and Bosai: A Crucial Combination for Saving Lives

*Takaaki Takai1, *Minori Takao1 (1. NHK World-Japan)

Keywords:The Role of Public Broadcast

Speakers: Minori Takao(Ms.) and producers(TBD) NHK, Japan’s sole public broadcaster, is addressing disaster preparedness and DRR through TV, radio and the Internet. Using its multi-language and cross media platform, NHK World Japan delivers “information that saves lives” from every angle, including emergency broadcasting, disaster resilience and public awareness activities.Minori Takao, news anchor at NHK World -Japan will present the team’s role in issuing multi-language emergency warnings to help foreign language speakers in Japan. The team will also present its role in preparing wide audiences around the world for the next disaster through its educational programs and web contents.They include a TV series “Bosai: An Educational Journey”, featuring disaster preparedness education in Japan and other parts of Asia, Bosai radio programs aired in 17 languages and BOSAI homepage launched last year. This session will look into the role of media in “Bosai” , and what more can be done to mitigate disaster through media outlets.