World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Presentation information

Oral Sessions


Recent Progress of the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics(GCDS)

Mon. Nov 11, 2019 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Room 3 (Hagi)

Tohoku University- IRIDeS

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

[O2-11-01] Recent Progress of the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (GCDS)

*Daisuke Sasaki1, *Yuichi Ono1, *Makoto Okumura1, *Rajesh Sharma2, *Sogo Fujisaki3, *Hidemi Tanaka3, *Hiroaki Ishiwata4 (1. International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, 2. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 3. Fujitsu Limited, 4. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (GCDS), Sendai Framework, Disaster Loss Database (GDB), Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM), Disaster Science

Four years have passed since the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (GCDS) was established jointly by Tohoku University, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Fujitsu Limited. The GCDS aims at supporting the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR) in the monitoring and evaluation of progress by providing support at country level for capacity building in developing national statistics on disaster damage and by establishing an improved global database (GDB). Furthermore, the GCDS is supposed to contribute to the evidence-based policy making by national and/or local governments. Under these circumstances, our session spotlights the following progress recently achieved at the GCDS. Firstly, a detailed presentation regarding the GDB newly developed at the GCDS will be given by Fujitsu Limited. It is considered that all of the following requirements: (i) including small-scale disasters, (ii) being officially authorized by the governments, (iii) applying standardized criteria to all countries, and (iv) holding sufficient cross sectional and time series data, need to be satisfied to meet the request for monitoring the progress in achieving the SFDRR global targets. Secondly, a couple of presentations concerning the achievement of statistical analysis will be conducted. The special issues on the development of disaster statistics already published in the Journal of Disaster Research are also supposed to be introduced in terms of application to the evidence-based policy making. At the end of the session, some of the pilot countries at the GCDS will state their comprehensive views on the recent progress achieved at the GCDS so far.