10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
[O2-2-01] Public Understanding on Typhoon and Related Disaster (Lessons Learned from the Past Disaster)
Keywords:Typhoon, UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, Disaster Risk Reduction, International Cooperation on DRR, Community Based Resilience
Typhoon is one of the serious natural hazards in the Asia-Pacific area and causes tremendous damages over very large geographical areas every year. Therefore, any effective response to them calls for regional cooperation among the affected countries. A key element in such a response is an efficient typhoon warning system which involves the rapid and frequent exchanges of information between countries and areas based on close observation and monitoring of the storms’ development and movements. The Typhoon Committee (TC) is an inter-governmental body organized under the joint auspices of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1968 in order to promote and coordinate the planning and implementation of measures required for minimizing both loss of lives and properties caused by typhoons in Asia and the Pacific. In carrying out these functions, the TC maintains and implements action programs under the three Working Groups: namely the Working Group on Meteorological (WGM), the Working Group on Hydrological (WGH), the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction (WGDRR); with supported by the Typhoon Committee Secretary (TCS), the Advisory Working Group (AWG), the Training and Research Coordination Group (TRCG), and also with contributions by its 14 Members including China, Hong Kong, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, the Republic of Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Macao, China, the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Singapore, and the United States of America.
The main objective of this session is providing an introduction on the Typhoon Committee including TCS, WGM, WGH, WGDRR, and TRCG and also presenting the main activities of TC including developing technologies and policies related to Typhoon Disaster Risk Reduction. In panel discussion, there will be knowledge sharing on disaster related to Typhoon and lessons learned from it.
The main objective of this session is providing an introduction on the Typhoon Committee including TCS, WGM, WGH, WGDRR, and TRCG and also presenting the main activities of TC including developing technologies and policies related to Typhoon Disaster Risk Reduction. In panel discussion, there will be knowledge sharing on disaster related to Typhoon and lessons learned from it.