World Bosai Forum/IDRC  2019 in Sendai

Presentation information

Oral Sessions


New Horizon of IRIDeS-NTT Innovative Research

Mon. Nov 11, 2019 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Room 2 (Tachibana)


8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

[O2-6-01] New Horizon of IRIDeS-NTT Innovative Research

*Naoko Kosaka1, *Kenjiro Terada2, *Shunichi Koshimura2, *Masashige Motoe2, *Masayuki Ihara1, *Satoshi Kubota1, *Tomohiro Kokogawa1 (1. NTT, 2. Tohoku University)

Keywords:shared-vision-type collaborative research, living lab, real-time tsunami flood-damage prediction, decision-making

Tohoku University and NTT have started collaborative research using their combined strengths based on the shared vision of “Fundamental technology to support safety for living”. In the field of disaster prevention, mitigation, response and recovery/reconstruction, we aim to contribute to the creation of new values on disaster research and recovery from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

Instead of establishing bottom-up research themes based on current technologies, we held workshops with the participation of researchers from universities and companies to define collaborative research projects linked to our vision.

The research projects to be addressed from this fiscal year are as follows.

[Project 1]
Research on decision-making support using real-time tsunami inundation and damage forecast

[Project 2]
Research on a social-problem-solving service-design method using earthquake archives

In this session, we will introduce our preliminary achievements and encourage innovation to create new values of our shared-vision research.

1. Introduction of purpose
2. Vision sharing process
3. Project 1: Research on decision-making support using real-time tsunami inundation and damage forecast
4. Project 2: Research on a social-problem-solving service-design method using earthquake archives
5. Q&A