08:30 〜 10:00
[O3-13-01] Advances of International Collaboration on M9 Disaster Science
キーワード:Magnitude Nine (M9), Disaster simulation, Modeling, Planing, Sensing
Megathrust earthquakes along the subduction zones have caused significant impacts on our society and will be causes of future enormous risks and crisis. Many challenges and issues in reducing risks and enhancing disaster resilience have been addressed by on-going and previous research efforts. Now it is time to share the issues and produce innovative outcomes.
This session is a sequel of the International Workshop on Magnitude Nine (M9) Disaster Science that aims to initiate and accelerate the collaborations among the participants from the countries that have experienced megathrust earthquakes with M9, e.g. 1700 Cascadia, 1960 Chile, 1964 Alaska, and 2011 Japan.
This session is a sequel of the International Workshop on Magnitude Nine (M9) Disaster Science that aims to initiate and accelerate the collaborations among the participants from the countries that have experienced megathrust earthquakes with M9, e.g. 1700 Cascadia, 1960 Chile, 1964 Alaska, and 2011 Japan.