10:30 〜 12:00
[O3-14-01] Fuel stocking proposal to connect life at the time of disaster
キーワード:・ About "Japan BCP" approach, ・Service contents, ・ Past activity results, ・ Future prospects, ・Finally
・ About "Japan BCP" approach
Explanation of company profile, activity content
Situation analysis of the oil shortage in the Great East Japan Earthquake
Given the risk of disasters, the fact that large oil tanks are often found in coastal areas is dangerous and it is desirable to store them in inland areas.
Purpose of Emergency Fuel Stocking Proposal
In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications must require fuel stocks to be able to operate emergency generators for 72 hours for companies with important public infrastructure such as communications and broadcasting, etc., and promote voluntary stockpiling from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry There is a notification to be promoted, and each company is considering fuel storage.
·Service contents
Exclusive storage contract for oil, exclusive delivery contract for emergency
Taking into consideration the emergency, we have stockpiled petroleum fuel from normal times, and we have also operated and maintained the vehicle date and time, and have established a system that can be delivered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
・ Past activity results
Activity results for each disaster, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and heavy rainfall in West Japan
Osaka Prefecture, disaster prevention agreement of Osaka City
Joint research with Kansai University
・ Future prospects
There is a big difference in thinking between a company that proactively measures BCP in management after the earthquake and cases that are not. The problem is how to improve awareness.
Explanation of company profile, activity content
Situation analysis of the oil shortage in the Great East Japan Earthquake
Given the risk of disasters, the fact that large oil tanks are often found in coastal areas is dangerous and it is desirable to store them in inland areas.
Purpose of Emergency Fuel Stocking Proposal
In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications must require fuel stocks to be able to operate emergency generators for 72 hours for companies with important public infrastructure such as communications and broadcasting, etc., and promote voluntary stockpiling from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry There is a notification to be promoted, and each company is considering fuel storage.
·Service contents
Exclusive storage contract for oil, exclusive delivery contract for emergency
Taking into consideration the emergency, we have stockpiled petroleum fuel from normal times, and we have also operated and maintained the vehicle date and time, and have established a system that can be delivered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
・ Past activity results
Activity results for each disaster, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and heavy rainfall in West Japan
Osaka Prefecture, disaster prevention agreement of Osaka City
Joint research with Kansai University
・ Future prospects
There is a big difference in thinking between a company that proactively measures BCP in management after the earthquake and cases that are not. The problem is how to improve awareness.