世界防災フォーラム/防災ダボス会議 @仙台2019


Oral Sessions


Spiritual care and relevant faith-based activity in disaster relief and recovery

2019年11月12日(火) 08:30 〜 10:00 Room 2 (Tachibana)

Soka Gakkai International

08:30 〜 10:00

[O3-5-01] Spiritual care and relevant faith-based activity in disaster relief and recovery

Takaaki Ito3, Nobuhiko Katayama2, *Emiko Kubo1 (1. Soka Gakkai International, 2. World Vision Japan, 3. Sophia University)

キーワード:spiritual care, grief and loss, faith, faith-based organizations

The spiritual or psychosocial care of each victim of disaster is vitally important for their recovery. This aspect, however, tends to be given little attention in debates on disaster relief and recovery by governments. On the other hand, some academics and faith-based organizations proactively promote such care in a unique way that is beginning to receive increased attention.
In this session, Prof. Ito will share an overview of spiritual care for disaster victims and how faith can make a difference in all aspects of recovery. Mr. Katayama will elaborate how World Vision Japan is involving local churches in disaster preparation. He will address both the physical and spiritual aspects of recovery. Ms. Kubo will focus on the Soka Gakkai Japan's concert initiative that utilizes the power of music to aid recovery in the aftermath of disaster.