世界防災フォーラム/防災ダボス会議 @仙台2019


Poster Sessions

Core Time

2019年11月11日(月) 12:15 〜 13:15 Poster & Exhibition (Sakura)

12:15 〜 13:15

[P-47] Water-Related Disaster Security: Assessing National Risk in Asia

*Ilpyon Hong1 (1. Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT))

キーワード:Water-Related Disaster Security

In association with Asian Development Bank (ADB), KICT and JHSUSTAIN have partnered to develop an index assessing national water-related disaster risk at a sub-basin level which uses indicators that can be scaled up to represent risk at a national level. Researchers adapted a methodology for disaster resilience pioneered by the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) by incorporating hazard factors though data from the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), expanding the scope of indicators and utilizing the most recent national data from trusted international sources. This index considers hydrological, meteorological, and climatological disasters. Risk is assessed in this index through three indicators; hazard-exposure, vulnerability, and capacity. The water-related disaster risk indicators are assessed based on 16 sub-indicators, including 6 for hazard-exposure, 5 for vulnerability, and 5 for capacity. Each of these sub-indicators have been developed and aligned with data which can be readily collected (if it does not already exist) at a sub-basin level, a provincial level, or a national level. The concept was to develop an index which can scale to allow for both regional and national assessments of water-related disaster risk. The objective is to create a practical tool which can be utilized by policy-makers to understand at a glance the relative risk parts of their country to water-related disaster. The broader goal, in combination with a separate project developing a national-level index for 49 Asian nations as part of ADB’s Asian Water Development Outlook 2020, will be to allow for practical comparison of water-related disaster risk across national borders and to allow users to drill down into the details to understand where that risk comes from.