12th World Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesiology 2015 in Kyoto, Japan  (WCVA2015)



[Session 3] Small animal analgesia

2015年9月1日(火) 17:10 〜 18:25 Room D (ICC Kyoto)

Chairperson:Luna Stelio P.L.(UNESP-Univ Estadual Pulista, Brazil)

17:25 〜 17:40

[O3-2] Comparison between the hanging-drop technique and the running-drip method for identification of the epidural space in dogs

Fernando Martinez Taboada1, José Ignacio Redondo2 (1.North Downs Specialist Referrals, 2.Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera)

キーワード:Epidural, Hanging drop, Running drip, dog, analgesia

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