WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会


Poster Presentation

WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Poster Presentation

[PP-19] Primary palliative care

2019年5月17日(金) 15:00 〜 15:30 ポスター会場 (イベントホール)

Yuko Ota1,2, Yoshinao Satoi2,3,5, Takamasa Watanabe2,4, Yusuke Shigeshima1 (1.Tokyo Hokuto Health Co-operative, Seikyo Ukima Clinic, 2.Japan Health and Welfare Co-operative Federation, Centre for Family Medicine Development, 3.Kawasaki Medical Co-operative Association, Kuji Clinic, 4.Tokyo Hokuto Health Co-operative, Kita-adachi Clinic, 5.The Jikei University School of Medicine Graduate School, Community Health and Primary Care Medicine)




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