WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会



WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Symposium

[SY1-02] The integrated care model of medical care and home care in Taipei City Hospital

2019年5月15日(水) 15:30 〜 17:00 第5会場 (1F Room D)

Organizer: Mei-Ju Chen(Taipei City Hospital,
Chair: Chin-Yu Ho(Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch, Taiwan)
Facilitator: Mei-Ju Chen(Department of Community Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan)

This session will introduce the integraed care model promoted in Taipei City Hospital (TCH) from 2016. Eight doctors from various branches of TCH will discuss related issues in this session. Because Taiwan has entered the aging society since 1993 and officially enter the aged society from 2018, the issues related with elderly caring have gradually gain their importance. The government in Taiwan initiated the ”Combined Home Healthcare Project (CHHP)” from 2016, to meet the needs for the disabled elderly in Taiwanese society. On the one hand, the multidisciplinary medical teams forming in TCH, named as ”The Home Health Care Project of Blue Magpie (Blue Magpie Project)", to execute and accomplish CHHP’s missions, which cover three stages of care, from ”home healthcare”, ”severe home healthcare"to ”home hospice care”. On the one other hand, the Blue Magpie Project which were composed of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, therapists and other specialists also gradually transform to provide high value home healthcare at patients' home in the community started through walking out of the hospital. It is ultimately expected that palliative care and home-based long term care in Taiwan can achieve the goal of high healthcare System.

Shu-Jar Jan1, Mei-Ju Chen2, 3, Chao-Mei Chu1, Sheng-Jean Huang4, 5 (1.Department of Medical affairs, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 2.Department of Community Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 3.National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences Adjunct Assistant Professor, 4.Superintendent, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 5.Surgical Department, Medical College, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)




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