WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会



WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Workshop

[WS1-05] Grassroots Innovation for Quality Improvement

2019年5月15日(水) 13:30 〜 15:00 第11会場 (2F Room K)

Organizer: Mary Beth MacIsaac(Expert Committee on Quality Care RACGP, RACGP, Australia)
Facilitator / Expert Panel: Katrina McLean(Expert Committee on Post Fellowship Education RACGP; Bond University, Australia), Mark Morgan(Chair of Expert Committee on Quality Care RACGP; Bond University, Australia), Frank Jones(Past President, RACGP, Australia), Felicity Goodyear-Smith(University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Facilitator: Michael Tam(RACGP Expert Committee-Quality Care, Australia), Manabu Saito(Director, Rural Generalist Program/CEO, GENEPRO/Adjunct Senior Lecturer, James Cook University/Devision of Medical Education, Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine, Japan)

Have you ever participated in a quality improvement initiative that didn’t quite live up to its title? Do you think you could do a better job? Here’s your chance.
Triple-loop learning involves taking corrective actions (first loop), thinking about reasons for corrective actions (second loop), and thinking about the way in which the learning occurred (third loop). This workshop aims to engage clinicians to think about their own health systems and what encourages or discourages quality improvement. Participants will design their own quality improvement initiatives. The workshop outputs may lead to a peer-reviewed publication.

After a 10 minute presentation on behaviour change theory and triple-loop learning, participants will spend 15 minutes in facilitated small groups examining barriers and enablers to quality improvement in their own healthcare systems. In the next 45 minutes these groups will design their own solutions. The quality improvement initiatives designed by the small groups will be shared and discussed by the expert panel at conclusion.
Learn how to implement real change in your own healthcare setting. Find out how other countries’ quality improvement systems work.
Participants will have a tangible quality improvement system idea applicable to their own workplace setting.




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