WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会



WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Workshop

[WS2-13] To address health inequities and achieve Universal Health Coverage medical education must change: Developing social accountability within the Family Medicine curriculum.

2019年5月16日(木) 10:30 〜 12:00 第3会場 (2F Room B-1)

Organizer/Chair: Val Wass(Chair WONCA Working Party on Medical Education, UK)
Speaker: Robin Ramsay(Programme Coordinator , Masters in Family Medicine, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Facilitator: Greg Irving(Clinical lecturer. Dept of public Health and Primary Care, Cambridge University, UK), Noriyuki Takahashi(Department of Education for Commnity-Oriented Medicine, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan)

Background: The Lancet report on Health Professionals for the New Century (2010) calls for new educational strategies to produce a workforce appropriate for population needs. The Astana Declaration 2018 emphasises even more our social responsibility to address health inequities and develop sustainable primary care. Yet curriculum change is proving frustratingly slow. We remain entrenched in specialty hospital based “silo” driven, often tertiary care orientated, education. We need integrated more community-based teaching where issues key to patient needs such as social accountability and social determinants of health can be learnt.

Workshop / Symposium objectives: To explore interactively what we mean by social accountability, why it is important and share experience of how it can be learnt in the context of Family Medicine.

Methodology: Within the available time. after brief introductions, we will agree what is meant by social accountability and present any relevant evidence. Small group discussions (or presentations) will allow participants to share their experience and ideas to develop common themes for plenary discussion. Outcomes will be circulated to the attendees and ongoing work carried out online to produce a strategy document to strengthen Family Medicine training.

Outcome: WONCA guidance document on developing social accountability for undergraduate and postgraduate family medicine education.




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