WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会



WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Workshop

[WS3-31] How to Manage with "Difficult Patients"

2019年5月17日(金) 15:30 〜 17:00 第9会場 (2F Room I)

Organizer/Chair: Matteo Mannucci(Spanish Scientific Society of Family Physicians (SEMFYC), Spain)
Speaker: Juan Ortega Perez(Spanish Scientific Society of Family Physicians (SEMFYC), Spain), Enrique Ferrer Mygind(Spanish Scientific Society of Family Physicians (SEMFYC), Spain)

At the beginning of the session we will have a look at the most important problems
with difficult patients. We will also explain the most common kinds of them and
how to handle common situations. Then we skip and focus the attention of
ourselves, doctors, and how can we be good/bad influence for patients.
After that we would like to do a role play in with the audience can experience the
issues learned during the exposition, playing as doctors and as patients.
We hope people attending this workshop return to their homes with the sensation
they can apply the “ticks” learned during the session in their daily consultation and
avoid unpleasant situations with patients, so communication between them could
lead to the aim of our work, listen, treat, heal and help.




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