woncaaprjpca2019/The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Primary Care Association

Presentation information


The 10th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association » 一般演題(口頭発表)

[O11] 量的研究(多職種連携②、診断と検査②他)

Sun. May 19, 2019 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM Room 11 (2F Room K)

座長:片岡 仁美(岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 地域医療人材育成講座)、白石 裕子(自治医科大学 地域医療学センター 総合診療部門)

[O-074] 特定医師施行による血液培養汚染率の検討

高橋 賢史 (出雲市民病院 家庭医療科)

Abstract password authentication.
The password has been announced for Pre-registered participants by email.
You can also find the password in the Pocket program distributed at the venue.
