woncaaprjpca2019/The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Primary Care Association

Presentation information

Plenary Session

WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Plenary Session

[P2] Plenary Session 2
Generalism in Clinical Practice, Education, and Research: Global Discussion

Thu. May 16, 2019 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room 1 (1F Main Hall)

Organizer:Nobutaka Hirooka(General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Japan)
Chair: Nobutaka Hirooka(General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Japan), Shunzo Koizumi(General Internal Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Japan)

[P2-1] Revitalising medical generalism: “more of the same won’t do”

Joanne Reeve (Hull York Medical School)

Joanne is a GP and Professor of Primary Care Research at Hull York Medical School, UK. She is internationally known for her work on the expertise of medical generalism. Her published OPrk includes a Royal College of General Practitioners Occasional Paper defining the essence of medical practice, along with a body of work on the implementation of medical generalism. She chairs the North American Research Group (NAPCRG) Special Interest Group on Advancing Generalist Expertise. In 2018, the group published the 2018 Montreal Statement describing the work needed to revitalise generalist care. She leads the UK GP Scholarship programme aiming to champion and cultivate the intellectual core of General and Generalist Practice. As Director of Research for the Academy of Primary Care at Hull York Medical School, she leads a body of work on Primary Care Redesign on generalist principles. All supported and inspired by her OPrk as an inner city GP.

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