WONCA APR Conference 2019/第10回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会


Plenary Session

WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Plenary Session

[P4] Plenary Session 4
"Right Care"
Right Care for Sustainable Healthcare System of the 21st Century

2019年5月17日(金) 08:30 〜 10:00 第1会場 (1F メインホール)

Organizer:Shunzo Koizumi(Shichijo Clinic, Kyoto, Japan)
Chair: Shunzo Koizumi(Shichijo Clinic, Japan), Tadao Okada('Department of Family Medicine, Tessyoukai Kameda Family Clinic Tateyama, Japan)

[P4-3] Life, death and the over-use of healthcare resources

Iona Heath (Royal College of General Practitioners, UK)

Retired inner city general practitioner in Kentish Town in London (1975-2010).
Member at Large of the WONCA world executive (2007–2013).
Past President of the UK Royal College of General Practitioners (2009-2012). Co-chair of the Scientific Committee for the Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference 2018 in Copenhagen.

Iona Heath has written regularly for the British Medical Journal and has contributed essays to many other medical journals across the world. She has been particularly interested to explore the nature of general practice, the importance of medical generalism, issues of justice and liberty in relation to health care, the corrosive influence of the medical industrial complex and the commercialisation of medicine, and the challenges posed by disease-mongering, the care of the dying, and violence within families.

