woncaaprjpca2019/The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Primary Care Association

Presentation information


The 10th Annual Conference of Japan Primary Care Association » 一般演題(ポスター)

[PPP56] 症例報告(診断と検査⑥)

Sun. May 19, 2019 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Poster Venue (Event Hall)

座長:杉岡 隆(佐賀大学医学部 地域医療支援学講座)

[P-症-148] 長期の栄養摂取不良、ビタミンB12 欠乏による巨赤芽球性貧血を来たした1例

一ノ瀬 大地1,2, 宮﨑 賢治1,2, 五十野 博基1,2 (1.北茨城市民病院, 2.筑波大学附属病院総合診療グループ)

Abstract password authentication.
The password has been announced for Pre-registered participants by email.
You can also find the password in the Pocket program distributed at the venue.
