woncaaprjpca2019/The 10th Annual Conference of the Japan Primary Care Association

Presentation information


WONCA APR Conference 2019 » Symposium

[SY1-02] The integrated care model of medical care and home care in Taipei City Hospital

Wed. May 15, 2019 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Room 5 (1F Room D)

Organizer: Mei-Ju Chen(Taipei City Hospital,
Chair: Chin-Yu Ho(Taipei City Hospital Yangming Branch, Taiwan)
Facilitator: Mei-Ju Chen(Department of Community Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan)

[SY1-02-6] Analysis on the Factors of Transferring to Nursing Institution after Medical Home Intervention among Disability

Shu-Jar Jan1, Mei-Ju Chen2, 3, Chao-Mei Chu1, Sheng-Jean Huang4, 5 (1.Department of Medical affairs, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 2.Department of Community Medicine, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 3.National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences Adjunct Assistant Professor, 4.Superintendent, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan, 5.Surgical Department, Medical College, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)

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