2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation information

Special Interest Seminars » SIS11 Energy Materials

[SIS11] Energy Materials

Special Interest Seminars

Wed. Oct 16, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:10 AM Room D (3F 304, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Zhongchun Chen (Tottori University, Japan), Katsuhisa Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan)

9:50 AM - 10:10 AM

[16D-SIS11-03] Fabrication of C12A7 Particles for Ion Storage Application

*M. Inada1, K. Takiishi1 (1.Kyushu University, Japan)

Keywords:C12A7, ion storage, hydrogarnet precursor

12CaO・7Al2O3 mayenite has positively charged cage which can encapsulate anions inside it. We have successfully synthesized mayenite from hydrogarnet precursor prepared by liquid phase method. In this study, mayenite particles have been fabricated with doped metals such as Sr and Si for ion storage application. Mayenite was obtained by heat treatment of hydrogarnet prepared with Sr or Si source in liquid phase method. C12-xSrxA7 and Ca24Al14-xSixO33 can be obtained using hydrogarnet precursor. The maximum amount of doped Sr was about 50 mol%, whereas that of doped Si was about 20 mol%. The SEM-EDX analysis indicated that Sr and Si were highly distributed in C12A7 particles.