2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation information

Special Interest Seminars » SIS12 Carbon Neutrality (CN) in PM

[SIS12] Carbon Neutrality (CN) in PM

Special Interest Seminars

Wed. Oct 16, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Room E (3F 313+314, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Keiichi Ishihara (Institutional Advancement and Communication, Kyoto University, Japan), Janusz Kowalewski (Ipsen International, USA)

2:55 PM - 3:15 PM

[16E-SIS12-03] The Ideal Sintering Factory to Achieve Carbon Neutrality in 2050

*K. Kato1,2, Y. Akiyama1,3, H. Fukamachi1,4, K. Matsuda1,5, T. Mouri1,6, A. Aoki1,7, Y. Ozaki1,8, Y. Takeda1 (1.Japan Powder Metallurgy Association, Technical Committee for Sintered Mechanical Parts, Japan, 2.Diamet Corporation, Japan, 3.Sumitomo Electric Sintered Alloy, Ltd., Japan, 4.Fine Sinter Co., Ltd., Japan, 5.Porite Corporation, Japan, 6.NTN Advanced Materials Corporation, Japan, 7.NPR-RIKEN CORPORATION, Japan, 8.Osaka University, Japan)

Keywords:Carbon neutral, CO2 reduction, ideal sintering factory

In order to achieve carbon neutrality, we envisioned the ideal state of the sintering factory in 2050 and considered the ideal sintering factory. As part of this effort, we estimated the extent to which CO2 emissions could be reduced by further development of the technologies that have been applied so far and by technologies that will be applied in the future. The presentation will introduce the history of the development of servo presses, examples of improvements that have the effect of reducing CO2 in each process, such as vacuum heat treatment, and the application of materials that improve machinability, as well as specific technologies that are likely to be applied in the future. We will also report the results of calculations regarding the CO2 reduction effect.