

Special Interest Seminars » SIS13 Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

[SIS13] Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

Special Interest Seminars

2024年10月15日(火) 14:00 〜 15:10 Room E (3F 313+314, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Kenta Takagi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (AIST), Japan), Norimitsu Hirose (Hoganas Japan K. K., Japan)

14:50 〜 15:10

[15E-SIS13-03] Alloy Development from Sustainable Materials — Close-Loop of Materials Using Ultrasonic Atomization

*J. Ciftci1, 2, T. Choma1, 2, B. Morończyk1, 2, B. Kalicki1, 2, F. Puchalski1, Ł. Żrodowski1 (1.Amazemet Ltd., Poland, 2.Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)

キーワード:recycling, ultrasonic atomization, spherical powders, reuse of machining chips, new materials

Current methods for the production of spherical powders restrict the development of new chemical compositions dedicated to powder metallurgy. Milling processes are very time-consuming and it is not possible to eliminate contamination from the grinding balls. This novel ultrasonic atomization process enables in-house powder production from even 1 gram up to a few kilograms to verify new alloys. Plasma-based ultrasonic atomization was used to manufacture spherical powder of the high-temperature alloy from machining chips taken out of the CNC milling system, while induction-based ultrasonic atomization was used to develop a low-melting alloy. Powder characterization was performed to evaluate the usability of powders for selected manufacturing methods.