

General Sessions (Oral) » T11 Tribology in PM

[T11] Tribology in PM


2024年10月16日(水) 15:30 〜 16:30 Room C (3F 303, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Yukiko Ozaki (Osaka University/Kyushu University, Japan), Wai Kian Tan (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

15:50 〜 16:10

[16C-T11-06] Scale-Up of a Self-Lubricating Connecting Rod Produced in a Powder Metallurgy Pilot Plant

*A. I. Ramos Filho1, G. Hammes1, G. Lau1, R. Binder1, C. Binder1, A. N. Klein1 (1.Federal University of Santa Catarina-UFSC, Brazil)

キーワード:Self-lubricating composite, Pilot plant, Process control

Optimizing tribological systems is crucial for increasing the efficiency of mechanical systems. The use of self-lubricating composites is strategic to reduce mechanical losses (friction) and increase the durability of components by reducing wear. In this study, a connecting rod was developed with self-lubricating material, consisting of a ferrous matrix and graphite and hBN as solid lubricants, using existing industrial infrastructure in the laboratory. Given the novelty of the material, not only were the microstructure and properties controlled, but the dimensions and topography were also evaluated to ensure optimal bearing performance. Using statistical process control tools, along with microstructural and tribological analyses, processing parameters were identified to minimize dimensional variability and replicate the properties of the composite. The results showed technical and economic viability to produce an industrial component with self-lubricating composite, achieving process capability (Cp) close to 3.10, areal material ratio (Smr) greater than 80% and friction coefficient of 0.14.