

General Sessions (Oral) » T15 Hard Materials

[T15] Hard Materials


2024年10月16日(水) 17:10 〜 18:10 Room F (3F 315, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Sota Terasaka (Japan Fine Ceramics Center, Japan), Hiroyuki Nakayama (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

17:30 〜 17:50

[16F-T15-05] Abrasive-Erosive Wear of Hardmetals with Fe-Based Binders

*M. Tarraste1, M. Antonov1, M. Kolnes1, A. H. Ormus1 (1.Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)

キーワード:hardmetals, alternative binders, erosive wear, abrasive wear, wear mechanism

The economic and environmental considerations are increasingly compelling the hardmetal industry to reduce or even eliminate the use of traditional binder metals – nickel and cobalt. Fe-based alloys and steels have emerged as the most promising candidates for developing entirely Ni/Co-free hardmetals. While pure Fe is less effective as a binder phase, the austenitic FeMn and ferritic FeCr alloys show potential as competitive alternatives to standard well-established binders. This work examines the performance of alternative cemented carbides under abrasive-erosive wear conditions and compares them with conventional WC-Co hardmetals. Materials of similar hardness are tested in high velocity impact-erosion conditions and in three-body impact-abrasive setup. The focus is on the resulting wear rate and corresponding wear mechanisms. The findings suggest that at comparable hardness levels, hardmetals with Fe-based binders can match or even exceed the wear resistance of traditional compositions.