2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation information

General Sessions (Poster) » T24 Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM

[T24] Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM


Wed. Oct 16, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session (3F Foyer, Conference Center) (3F Foyer, Conference Center)

[16P-T24-03] Extractive Behavior of Rare Earths from Permanent Magnets Using Liquid Metal Extraction with Waste Magnesium as Solvent Metal

*S. Park1, 2, D.-K. Kim1, J. Jeong1, Y. Keum1, T.-S. Kim1, 2, M. Song1 (1.Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea, 2.University of Science and Technology, Korea)

Keywords:Rare earths elements, Waste-waste recycling, Permanent magnet, Extractive behavior, Liquid metal extraction

The requirement on the rare earths recycling is being necessary due to its criticality in the high technological fields with shifting industrial paradigm to carbon neutralization. Liquid metal extraction is regarded as effective recycling technology for rare earths extraction based on the pyro-metallurgy. However, it requires a lot of pure magnesium metals for achieving high recovery efficiency. In this study, the liquid metal extraction is tried with waste magnesium scrap from die-casting process as solvent metal for replacing pure magnesium metals. Liquid metal extraction is progressed under previously reported conditions for optimization. In addition, microstructural studies and phase analysis are observed for identifying reaction of impurities during extraction of rare earths. The thermodynamic assessments such as calculations of activity and equilibrium amounts are indicated for evaluating the phase generations by impurities from waste magnesium scrap.