

General Sessions (Oral) » T6 AM Beam Based Technologies

[T6] AM Beam Based Technologies


2024年10月14日(月) 15:55 〜 17:15 Room B (3F 302, Conference Center)

Chairpersons: Ma Qian (RMIT University, Australia), Masayuki Okugawa (Osaka University, Japan)

16:55 〜 17:15

[14B-T6-04] Unlocking the Potential of Selective Electron Beam Melting

*H. Tang1 (1.Hangzhou City University, China)

キーワード:Additive manufacturing, Selective electron beam melting, Microstructure, Metal and alloy, Medical applications

Selective Electron Beam Melting (SEBM) emerges as a transformative force in additive manufacturing, reshaping the landscape of component fabrication with unprecedented precision and superior material characteristics. SEBM transcends traditional manufacturing limitations, demonstrating unique prowess in fabricating intricate geometries and structures with exceptional ease. Its influence extends into material science, with a particular focus on microstructure, mechanical properties, and materials optimization.

Cutting-edge research underscores SEBM's advancements, revealing notable improvements in density, strength, and overall structural integrity across diverse materials like refractory alloys, composites, and lattice structures. This versatility is exemplified in the medical domain, where SEBM-fabricated components, including tantalum bone implants, showcase remarkable biocompatibility and the potential for patient-specific customization.

Despite existing challenges, ongoing advancements in SEBM technology herald transformative breakthroughs in patient care. The future trajectory involves the integration of advanced computational modeling, precise material design, and optimized process parameters, unlocking untapped potentials and expanding SEBM's applications with heightened efficiency.