11:00 〜 11:20
[15B-T6-13] 3D-Fabrication of SUS630 Water Atomized Steel Powders by L-PBF Additive Manufacturing
キーワード: L-PBF, Water atomized powder, Gas atomized powder
3D-fabrication conditions of high sphericity SUS630 water atomized powders by using the Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion (L-PBF) have been studied. Water atomized powders were characterized by particle size distributions, particle circularities and dynamic shear stresses of fluidity as compared with those of gas atomized powders. High-density SUS630 L-PBF samples up to about 99.0 % could be formed by using the water atomized powders under almost same 3D-fabrication conditions of the gas atomized powders.