2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation information

General Sessions (Poster) » T1 Powder Production

[T1] Powder Production


Tue. Oct 15, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session (3F Foyer, Conference Center) (3F Foyer, Conference Center)

[15P-T1-09] Optimization of Atomization Processes for Powder Yield Enhancement

*E. S. Park1, J. Lee1, J. Ku1, B. U. Min1, C. Jeon1 (1.Eloi MateriaLs (EML) Co., Ltd., Korea)

Keywords:Atomization, Powder Manufacturing, EIGA, VIGA, WAIGA

In various industrial applications, achieving high powder yield through effective atomization processes is crucial for optimizing production efficiency and product quality. This presentation explores the strategic optimization of atomization techniques to enhance powder yield, focusing on the intricate interplay of parameters influencing the process. In order to develop powder yield enhancement technologies tailored to the characteristics of each equipment, we conducted the following research.The research explores the complexities of atomization, taking into account variables such as nozzle configuration, gas pressure/temperature, and operational parameters. By systematically analyzing these parameters, we aim to identify the optimal combination that maximizes the production of fine and uniform powder particles. Furthermore, the presentation will highlight using advanced computational models and experimental methodologies to gain deeper insights into the atomization process. By integrating computational simulations with real-world experiments, we seek to refine and validate the proposed optimization strategies.