2024 Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition

Presentation information

General Sessions (Poster) » T15 Hard Materials

[T15] Hard Materials


Wed. Oct 16, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Poster Session (3F Foyer, Conference Center) (3F Foyer, Conference Center)

[16P-T15-07] Effects of Mechanical Ball Milling and Calcination on the Mechanical Properties of Mo2NiB2-Ni Cermets

*S. Kawasumi1, S. Ichijo1, Y. Harada1, E. Takahashi1, R. Sato1, S. Maruyama1 (1.Tokyo City University, Japan)

Keywords:Cermets, Boride

Mo2NiB2-Ni cermets have been sintered using “Reaction Boronising Sintering” proposed by K. Takagi. In Reaction Boronizing Sintering, there has been a problem with the generation of the inhomogeneous microstructure of the boride phase. In this study, the calcination and mechanical milling processes were introduced to the sintering process of Mo2NiB2-Ni cermets to separate the phase formation and densification and refine the microstructure. According to SEM observation, grain size became smaller through the calcination process. As a result, TRS increased from 1.4 GPa to 1.9 GPa. The detailed results, including microstructural observations and the mechanical properties, will be presented on the day.