12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
*Simon R Wallis1, Ken Yamaoka2, Akira Miyake3, Catherine Annen4 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. AIST (Japan), 3. Aichi University of Education (Japan), 4. Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic))
Oral Session
Fri. Aug 18, 2023 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM ROOM2 (Meeting Room 2)
Chairman:Simon R Wallis(The University of Tokyo)、Takayoshi Nagaya(Tokyo Gakugei University)、Olivia Rhiannon Hogg(University of Cambridge)
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
*Simon R Wallis1, Ken Yamaoka2, Akira Miyake3, Catherine Annen4 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. AIST (Japan), 3. Aichi University of Education (Japan), 4. Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic))
12:15 PM - 12:30 PM
*Shogo Soejima1, Simon Wallis1 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan))
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