Water-Rock Interaction WRI-17/ Applied Isotope Geochemistry AIG-14


Oral Session

C-1: Anatexis and fluid regime of the middle to deep continental crust.

2023年8月18日(金) 15:00 〜 17:15 ROOM2 (Meeting Room 2)

Chairman:Tetsuo Kawakami(Kyoto University)、Fumiko Higashino(Kyoto University)、Bruna B. Carvalho(University of Padova)

16:30 〜 16:45

[OC1-05] Partial melting of Neoproterozoic metamorphic core complex
amphibolites in the intra-arc subduction system of Neotethys: Structure,
mineral chemistry and geochemistry of amphibole-bearing migmatites
from Takht-e-Soleyman, NW Iran

*Mohssen Moazzen1, Robab Hajialioghli2, Haleh Ghorbani2, Roland Oberhansli3, Tomoaki Morishita4, Andreas Moller5, Akihiro Tamura4 (1. University of Central Asia (Tajikistan), 2. University of Tabriz (Iran), 3. University of Potsdam (Germany), 4. University of Kanazawa (Japan), 5. University of Kansas (United States of America))

キーワード:Partial melting, Neoproterozoic, Core complex, Amphibole migmatite

