Water-Rock Interaction WRI-17/ Applied Isotope Geochemistry AIG-14

Presentation information

Oral Session

C-2: Fluid-rock reactions and nano- to microstructural evolution during metamorphism and alteration.

Mon. Aug 21, 2023 9:00 AM - 12:35 PM ROOM3 (Meeting Room 1)

Chairman:Atsushi Okamoto(Tohoku University)、Oliver Plümper(Utrecht University)、Ryosuke Oyanagi(Kokushikan University)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[OC2-04] Shape evolution of micro-scale porosities during feldspar alteration and its implications to supercritical geothermal reservoir

*Atsushi Okamoto1, Shuhei Fujiwara1, Masaoki Uno1, Kazuki Yoshida1, Tomohiro Ishii2, Masao Kimura2, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya1 (1. Tohoku University (Japan), 2. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (Japan))

Keywords:feldspar replacement, microporosity, X-ray CT, Kakkonda geothermal field, Supercritical geothermal reservoirs

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