*Lena Muhl1,3,4, Luis Salalá1,2, Jiajie Wang1, Eko Pramudyo1, Noriaki Watanabe1, Guido Blöcher4, Ingo Sass3,4
(1. Department of Environmental Studies for Advanced Society/ Graduate School of Environmental Studies/ Tohoku University/ Sendai (Japan), 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering/ Faculty of Engineering and Architecture/ University of El Salvador/ San Salvador (El Salvador), 3. Department of Geothermal Science and Technology/ Institute of Applied Geosciences/ Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), 4. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences/ Section 4.8: Geoenergy (Germany))
Keywords:chelating agent, permeability enhancement, geothermal reservoir, granitoids
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