Water-Rock Interaction WRI-17/ Applied Isotope Geochemistry AIG-14


Poster Session

E-4: Radioactive waste disposal: geological, hydrogeological and geochemical aspects.

2023年8月19日(土) 17:30 〜 19:00 E4 (Poster)

[PE4-08] Understanding the deep groundwater recharge process through isotopic and hydrochemical characteristics and delineation of potential recharge areas using GIS

*Jahoon Choi1, Soonyoung Yu2, Junghwan Lee3, SunJu Park4, Junghoon Park4, Hyun Tai Ahn1, Hyun Soo Seo1, Ji-Hye Kang1, Seong-Taek Yun1 (1. Korea Univ. (Korea), 2. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (Korea), 3. Korea Radioactive Waste Agency(KORAD) (Korea), 4. Earth E&G (Korea))

キーワード:Deep groundwater, Environmental isotopes, Groundwater circulation

