2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
*Hiroe Miyake1, Asako Iwaki2, Nobuyuki Morikawa2, Takahiro Maeda2, Hiroyuki Fujiwara2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
Room A
General session » S15. Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster
Mon. Sep 16, 2019 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM ROOM A (Clock Tower Centennial Hall)
chairperson:Hiroe Miyake(The University of Tokyo), Yosuke Nagasaka(Port and Airport Research Institute)
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
*Hiroe Miyake1, Asako Iwaki2, Nobuyuki Morikawa2, Takahiro Maeda2, Hiroyuki Fujiwara2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience)
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
*Kazuhito Hikima1, Akihiro Shimmura1 (1. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.)
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
*Shuji Kumagai1, Shinya Tanaka2, Kensuke Arai3 (1. Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc., 2. TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER SERVICES CO.,LTD., 3. SHIMIZU CORPORATION)
3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
*Yosuke Nagasaka1, Atsushi Nozu1 (1. Port and Airport Research Institute)
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