The Japanese Biochemical Society/The Molecular Biology Society of Japan

6976 results (1431 - 1440)

[1P-1063] A novel moonlighting function of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) for immunomodulation

〇Toshiaki Nakano1,2, Shigeru Goto2,3, Hui-Peng Tseng1,2, Takashi Fujimura4, Seiji Kawamoto4, Chao-Long Chen2 (1.Grad. Inst. of Clin. Med. Sci., Chang Gung Univ. Coll. of Med., Taiwan, 2.Liver Transplant Ctr., Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hosp., Taiwan, 3.Nobeoka Medical Check Ctr., Fukuoka Inst. of Occup. Health, 4.Dept. of Mol. Biotech., Grad. Sch. of AdSM., Hiroshima Univ.)


[1P-1064] Dysfunction of DNA methylation through CCR7 on skin dendritic cells causes atopic dermatitis inflammation

〇Yuko Yoshida1, Kunihiro Hayakawa1, Maki Fujishiro1, Takuya Hirai2, Hiroshi Tsushima2, Kozo Watanabe1,2, Yuko Kataoka1,2, Keiko Ikeda1,2, Shinji Morimoto1,2, Iwao Sekigawa1,2 (1.Institute for Environment and Gender Specific Medicine, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine , 2.Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, School of Medicine, Juntendo University)


6976 results (1431 - 1440)