International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

2:10 PM - 2:35 PM

[FLX1-3(Invited)] Signal Detection of Object Slippage using Printed Soft Robotic Sensor

*Tomohito Sekine1, Yi-Fei Wang1, Yasunori Takeda1, Daisuke Kumaki1, Fabrice Domingues Dos Santos2, Atsushi Miyabo3, Shizuo Tokito1 (1. Yamagata University (Japan), 2. Piezotech (France), 3. ARKEMA K. K. (Japan))

Soft robot, Sensor, Printed

Tactile sensing is required for skillful object handling in several soft robotic applications. Real-time measurement and identification of dynamic shear forces are important issue for slip detection and object interaction. In this study, we report a printed soft robotic sensor for detecting of a signal detection of object slippage.