International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

15:00 〜 15:20

[FMC4-2] Patterned Glass Etching for Popping-Up Signage

*Ikuya Saji1, Masafumi Nakata2, Yasuhiro Kashihara2, Atsushi Hayashi2, Hirotsugu Yamamoto1,3 (1. Utsunomiya University(Japan), 2. NSC Co., Ltd.(Japan), 3. JST, ACCEL(Japan))

patterned etching, aerial signage, directional scattering, arc 3D

We propose a new optical component for hygienic glass cover that shows popping-up signs. A low-cost and highly flexible design of Arc 3D was successfully achieved by a patterned glass etching method. A 3D display can be easily installed with only a single piece of glass and a light source.