International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

09:40 〜 10:00

[AMD4/AIS6-3L(Invited)] Manipulation of Crystal Structures of Pyrene-Based Organic Semiconductors Enabling Ultrahigh Mobility

*Kazuo Takimiya1,2、Kirill Bulgarevich1、Mamatimin Abbas3、Shingo Horiuchi1,2、Takuya Ogaki1、Kohsuke Kawabata2,1、Abduleziz Ablat3 (1.RIKEN (Japan)、2.Tohoku University (Japan)、3.University of Bordeaux (France))

organic semiconductor, organic FET, high mobility

The four-fold methylthiolated derivative of pyrene (MT-pyrene) was turned out to have a new type of brickwork structure. Single-crystal field-effect transistors (SC-FETs) of MT-pyrene showed excellent transport properties with impressively high mobility of 32 cm2 V–1 s–1.