International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[LCT7-3] Research on Panel Impact Factors Related to Gamma of Liquid Crystal Displays

*Ganmin Zeng1, Keng Chen1, Laidi Wu1, Yanping Yu1, Ting Zhou1, Junyi Li1 (1.Xiamen Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (China))

Gamma, LCD, Simulation, ITO_W/S, PI_THK

In this paper, through the relationship between Gamma and transmittance, the factors that contribute to Gamma in the liquid crystal display module are analyzed. Techwiz software is used to perform optical modeling and simulation to simulate the Gamma difference of related factor changes. Gamma will be affected by the superposition of multiple factors, so optical modeling and simulation can confirm their contribution and clarify the...