International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

10:40 〜 11:00

[DXR1-2 (Invited)] Development of Translucent Ceramics for X-ray Imaging Applications

*Hiromi Kimura1、Yuma Takebuchi2、Takeshi Fujiwara1、Masahito Tanaka1、Takumi Kato2、Daisuke Nakauchi2、Noriaki Kawaguchi2、Takayuki Yanagida2 (1.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)、2.Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan))

Optically stimulated luminescence, Imaging plate, Translucent ceramic

A 0.5% Eu-doped BaFBr translucent ceramic was synthesized, and the potential for X-ray imaging applications was evaluated. The sensitivity of the translucent ceramic was higher than that of a commercial IP (HR-BD). In addition, we have successfully obtained an X-ray image of the electronic component using the translucent ceramic.