International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM

[LCT5/FLX3-1] Solutions to Optimize the Diffraction of LCD CUP

*Li Yaying1, Chen Muqing1, Xu Jialing1, Liang Zhixing1, Yang Yan1, Zhong Caijiao1, Yang Xianyan1 (1.Tianma Microelectronics Co.,Ltd. (China))

CUP, LCD, Diffraction

Diffraction optimization is one of the hardest challenges in CUP (camera under panel) technology. The regular patterns on the panel lead to diffraction. Compared with OLED, LCD CUP faces more complex diffraction. In this paper, the mechanism of LCD CUP diffraction and its potential design scheme are emphatically analyzed.