International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

11:20 〜 11:40

[OLED1-4L] Design for High Efficiency and Wide Color Gamut BT.2020 OLEDs

*Shuo-Hsien Cheng1、Shinya Otsu1、Junji Adachi1 (1.Kyulux, Inc. (Japan))

TADF, HyperfluorescenceTM, OLED, BT.2020, Emissive Materials

HyperfluorescenceTM (HF), which enables high internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and a narrowband emission (< 25 nm) simultaneously, is known as the most promising OLED emitting technology. Incorporating with our original Materials Informatic System, Kyumatic, Kyulux has successfully developed materials for BT.2020 color gamut and attained unparalleled HF performance.