International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

13:40 〜 14:00

[OLED2-3] High Efficiency and Long Lifetime Red Hyperfluorescence Organic Light Emitting Diodes through Dexter Energy Transfer Suppression

*Chae Yeon Jeon1、Hyun Seung Lee1、Hyuna Lee1、Jang Hyuk Kwon1 (1.Kyung Hee University (Korea))

hyperfluorescence, red OLED, dexter energy transfer

In order to achieve the enhanced hyperfluorescence device performance, we proposed the introduction of ‘suppressing DET layer (SDL)’ to reduce non-radiative process of the Dexter energy transfer process. With insertion of SDL, HF device exhibited the 1.04 times improved efficiency and 2.03 times longer device lifetime than conventional HF device.