International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

14:00 〜 14:20

[PRJ4/LCT4-4L (Invited)] Transmissive compact spatial polarization converter to generate polarization distribution with arbitrary phase and polarization on a Poincaré sphere

*Keisuke Yoshiki1、Takeshi Yamamoto2 (1.Univ. of Hyogo (Japan)、2.Oasa Electronics Co.,Ltd (Japan))

full Poincaré polarization control, spatial light modulator, optical measurement, laser machining

We have developed a transmissive optical modulator with arbitrary control of polarization and phase. The phase control range exceeds 6π, and the polarization is fully controllable on Poincaré sphere. The installation is completed by simply inserting the device into the optical path of an existing optical device. This paper describes its principle, performance, and potential application to high power lasers.